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me as a powerpuff girl

i gotta find a new place where the kids are hip

06.12.01 - 5:53 p.m.

I celebrated hitting the $20 mark on book buyback by getting a plate of my favorite wontons at Lulus, and the bottle of Sriracha sauce on the table made me think of Phil. I can�t remember if we used it when we ate wings at Murphy�s, or whether he and Kurt just kept it around, but that�s not the point. The point is that there are always certain things � hot sauce, songs, smells of cigarettes � that remind me of people, and I wonder, what things make people think of me? Is it Dave Matthews shows, or little orange hearts, or � god, I don�t even know. A night in sleeping bags on a porch, a night at someone�s Indian Lake cabin under the stars. Driving along back roads in Delmont, comedy clubs and after-school specials in Des Moines, the bass hut, running down the halls of JVS, or sitting on the grate at Interlochen.

Ah, but it�s another New Music Tuesday. I was debating between CDs and a one-shoulder top, but figured CDs take up less room in the long run. Great rationalization. So now, to add to my happiness, I have the new yummy Scottish pale and scrawny Travis, the new yummy skate-punk rock and roll ninth grade Blink-182, and the new, I�m not sure why I bought this but it might be the Scottish influence once again, Moulin Rouge soundtrack with Ewan on it singing "Your Song." To me! Ewan McGregor sings "Your Song" to me!

And as I walked to Target from Best Buy, a big ol� Jaguar waited at the curb, completely earth-shakingly BLASTING "In Bloom." The employees were attempting to load a huge "let�s watch playoffs" TV into it. I found it all extremely funny and laughed half the way across the parking lot.

the night before - the morning after

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