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stumbling upon sentences

06.22.01 - 11:56 a.m.

Saw this quote in Mary Schmich's column of today's Trib, and even though I never read the papers, I'm glad I saw this:

You know how sometimes you stumble upon a sentence in a book, or a scene in a movie, that clarifies for you who you are, how you think, what you want or where you live? How until you've read or seen it, until this vision or notion exists in someone else's words or pictures, it doesn't quite exist?

Hooray. And as a side note, as I walked down Wellington this morning, listening to "Round Here," I spied little ceramic lamb planters sprouting flowers just as Adam sang "but we sacrifice like lambs." Coincidence!

Must go buy Howie tix. And maybe a cowboy hat?

the night before - the morning after

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