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me as a powerpuff girl

family motto

06.26.01 - 4:05 p.m.

As you can see from the new and somewhat improved template, I am truly beginning to resemble a 16-year-old girl. Though hopefully not from South Jersey.

Ah, for the days when I collected Lisa Frank stickers and unicorn erasers, and wore that awful cheetah swimsuit. Which you had too, Bassett, don't deny it. And then I became such a juvenile delinquent, sneaking off to Pittsburgh for shows at Metropol and coffee at the Beehive, wearing my dad's old cords and sweaters, kilts and fishnets, and collecting every piece of R.E.M. info I could get my hands on. And let's not forget the Metallica phase. What happened to me?

Frank Lloyd Wright, inspired by the Unitarian Church, carved his family motto - "Truth is Life" - above the fireplace in his Oak Park home. Since then, I've been trying to determine what my family motto would be. Or rather, my personal one, since I shudder to think of a motto for my group of relatives. Maybe Ars longa, vita brevis - art is long, life is short. Or Sans musique, la vie serait une erreur - without music, life would be a mistake (or so says Nietzsche). Dad would like "Life is not a dress rehearsal," but I don't like Dad. Apparently I have a thing for phrases not in my native tongue.

I have fifteen daily stories and two longer stories to file for my beat. Now that doesn't seem so bad.

I am too hungry to think anymore.

the night before - the morning after

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