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me as a powerpuff girl

all through the party I want to leave

07.14.01 - 10:48 p.m.

Sunflowers and raspberries were both on sale at the grocery store yesterday. What could possibly be any better?

It's a beautiful night and I should be sitting outside on my porch, tiki torches burning, drinking wine, but instead I'm going through the weekly Blockbuster collection and doing laundry. And finally washing my flip-flops, because it's not a good thing when the shoes turn your feet black rather than protect you from the pavement.

Still, it all needs to be done, and I have no desire to go sit in another bar, even if it's one where I won't get my face slapped, I just want to sit at home with my thoughts.

All above me the stars are bright and a sweet suburban breeze is blowing
And down the block are the parking lights of a hundred friends who I barely know and

Don't know me - don't know me
None of them know me

And in the middle of everyone I still find myself with my thoughts alone
And in the middle of all the noise look around myself at the shining toys that
I don't need - I don't need
I don't really need

In this world I can see many billions waiting in the sun
So I'd love to believe there'd be one of us for everyone
One of us for everyone
Enough to go around
But that's not what I've found

And all through the party I want to leave
All alone with one true love
All of the lights are shining on me
But all I want is one true love

I need to watch Shadow of the Vampire now. It looks rather good. And Cary Elwes is in it!

the night before - the morning after

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