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me as a powerpuff girl

i'm harnessing my ch'i

07.15.01 - 7:12 p.m.

Court always said I got this look on my face when I was in the shower that he called "the shower face" and that never appeared when I was doing anything else. He thought it was the funniest thing, and I never understood why it only happened then. I've always wondered exactly what it looked like, and he could never explain, and now there's no one else who can tell me.

New levels of uselessness today. Reading a feng shui book, I realized our house's wealth and prosperity corner is in the scary back stairwell none of us ever go near. And my room's love corner has not only my garbage can but the pile of receipts and whatnot I am too afraid to reconcile.

Says a lot, doesn't it?

But I've been doing a lot of good feng shui-type stuff without even knowing it. For instance, my bed has a view of the door but isn't directly in front of it, and I already moved my mirror so it wasn't directly across from the bed either. I was always creeped out sleeping across from it and now I know why. (Ch'i bouncing off the mirror disturbs your rest.) I have a lamp in my knowledge corner - clever, eh? - and photographs of pairs in my love corner (Bass and I, Kodi and TC).

However, I'm a little concerned with what to do about my creativity and children section. Who decided those two should go together? I mean, obviously I need creativity out the arse, but I don't particularly feel like bringing any children upon myself at this particular time. Or ever. So I need to figure out how to please the creativity gods without grabbing the attention of the fertility ones, or something.

Also, my laundry basket is in my career corner. I'm going to have a soiled career! Where else am I supposed to put it?

the night before - the morning after

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