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me as a powerpuff girl


08.01.01 - 9:26 p.m.

Truancy is hard. Today I felt twice as guilty for skipping yesterday, even though I did more at home than I probably would have accomplished in the newsroom. Maybe I am meant to be a telecommuter... or maybe not, since my hermit tendencies will flourish without forced outings. Save me from the four walls of my bedroom! Make me social! Take me to the tapas bar tomorrow night! Hooray!

Tonight on ED, Cara Parsons entered the pie shop through the door we were eating beside! She walked right across where our table would be! Hooray!

I have nothing to write for my book review. Who cares about the suburbanization of the United States? Hooray! Actually, I should care, since I am a child of the malls and the drive-in theaters and I guess I should wonder how they got there in the first place. But I don't, I so don't. Oh, Crabgrass Frontier. Evil manual of doom, how I despise you. Only 50 more pages and 700 written words to go.

I broke down and ate the freeze-dried astronaut ice cream I'd been saving since my trip to the Museum of Science with Leanne a month ago. Hooray! It was tasty, oh so very tasty. "Bite the forbidden apple, Carmella. You will find it sweet."

And there are 31 days until I'm done with school forever, one website, seven stories, three weblogs, one book review and one final critique to go. I have a headache. I'm having a beer. Hooray!

the night before - the morning after

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