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me as a powerpuff girl

it's frustrating, that's what it is

08.10.01 - 6:43 p.m.

So. Remember that book review I had to write? The stupid, 700-word piece of crap critique about Crabgrass Frontier?

Yeah, well, I got an A on it. A 100 percent. Sometimes I amaze myself, and then sometimes I wonder if it matters at all, if I should work my ass off doing something I really campaigned for and then not receive any recognition, pats on the back or even some acknowledgement of me actually working said ass, just get told I'm doing a shit job and that I completely fail as a leader. Or I could just slap a few words on a page in one night and get the gold statue.

If I cared less, would I get more?

the night before - the morning after

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