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me as a powerpuff girl

can't keep my mind on nothin' else

08.16.01 - 10:58 p.m.

The best part of the day, the absolute best, was driving home from the White Sox game and hearing Howie on someone else's car stereo. The first time that has ever happened, and even though I know it was partially because I talked about his shows coming up in September, just the fact that I was hearing "She Says" and it didn't come from my collection. I thought I was going to explode from all the love and the thrill and the entire happening of it all.

And at the baseball game, just like the Semisonic song that is always in my head, in the middle of everyone I still find myself with my thoughts alone. And in the middle of all the noise - all through the party I want to leave all alone with one true love.

Oh yeah, and we got free tube socks at the game (technically White Socks, get it?), but just one tube sock to wave around, which annoyed me because I so would have worn them otherwise. Instead, I decided to make mine into a sock puppet and talk to Erin via my sock-covered hand for a while. And I dared her to order her food with the sock puppet, but she declined. Should have made a $10 bet. Ed and Mike would have.

And my moom and my pupp are in Toledo.

the night before - the morning after

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