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my lucky number, my lucky day?

09.20.01 - 5:34 p.m.

Well, suck me sideways. Doesn't this always happen? I got an A- in the stupid seminar and B+s in both reporting and new media. I always get the best grade in the class I hate the most. Why? WHY? This is why I'm not going back to school for at least five years. Not that I have anything left to go back for, but give me time and I'm sure I could think of something.

According to the latest Emode test, my lucky number is Two. They say:

"Best Friends Forever," Number 2. As the Helper, you probably got more BFFs in your yearbook than most. Everyone thinks you're just the bee's knees. And why wouldn't they? You always buy the thoughtful gifts, complete with wrapping paper and maybe that cute kitten card that says, "Hang in there." But what it should really say is "I want love, too... and presents...and cards with kittens." Sometimes you try to be too much to too many people, yet you want to maintain separate groups. Yes, you Type 2s get a little high on the fumes of your own popularity, and when you start to come down it can be quite the bummer. Possessiveness, dependency, jealousy, and that's just before breakfast. You're at your finest when your motives are pure. Ahhhh, you feel that? That's the soft touch of unconditional love. And that's what you and famous 2s, Bill Cosby, Pavarotti, and Ann Landers do best.

I DO want love! And presents! And, well, maybe not cards with kittens, but maybe a card with money inside. Though I do not wear Cosby sweaters. It's a Cosby sweater! A Cosby sweater! But my favorite number is 42, so that's half of it. The other half, Four, goes like this:

As a 4, you're no stranger to melodrama. What's that? Are those violins playing gently in the background? And like all good performers, you are in touch with a variety of your inner characters. You've got all the angst of an early '90s garage band, but fortunately it fuels your creative urges and helps you relate to others. When your friends aren't giving you a standing ovation, they're sharing their feelings because you really listen. 4s have an inner Vasco De Gama of sorts, as they fearlessly explore uncharted emotions within. As a Romantic, you enjoy emotion whether it's watching a sappy John Hughes film for the 20th time since high school or pursuing that mysterious lover who doesn't know you exist. But be careful, road kill just might take you a little longer than your friends to get over. And ending a relationship of any kind might send you straight into a depression you oblige with a healthy dose of Peter Gabriel or Enya. At your best, you can harness your emotions like few others to produce unique expressions of yourself. Your need to "feel" might lead you to commit risky acts that could hurt you?umm fellow 4s J.D. Salinger, the Artist-who-can't-stop-changing-his-name-to-Prince, would you care to chime in? But trusting your self-knowledge gives you an advantage that others lack. All in all, it's not a bad gig being a 4.

What it's trying to say is: you're self-absorbed. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. Go Four!

the night before - the morning after

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