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me as a powerpuff girl

another suitcase in another hall

09.21.01 - 4:37 p.m.

I have to return my cable modem tomorrow. Parting from a high-speed internet connection is such sweet sorrow. Back to dial-up for god knows how long. Blar!

I cried once again this afternoon at the cold, hard fact that I am leaving the city for parts unknown. Then I composed myself and walked to the hardware store for some spackle. I do love to spackle - an odd habit picked up from years and summers of working at the art gallery. So now all the holes in our apartment are filled in, even though I probably shouldn't have done the big ones in the living room. I am not quite the professional spackler and should stay away from holes bigger than my eye.

But it's done, and everything's pretty much boxed up, and I'm listening to John Mayer tell me my body is a wonderland while I try to think of the last words I want to write and the clothes I want to wear to my last dinner at Hudson Club. Sad, sad, sad.

This is it! Dad just called so I'm on my way. Goodbye, cable modem, goodbye.

the night before - the morning after

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