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me as a powerpuff girl

life of sloth, life in johnstown

09.26.01 - 5:29 p.m.

Whee! I am a sloth. A slothy sloth with nothing to do but watch Buffy on FX and burn CDs. And pet my mangy old senile cat who won't even eat the wet disgusting food I put out for him because I LOVE him! Oh dear. What is it with cats and their wet food? I fed it to Caper every day after school. Do they only eat it when they are insane? Both Kodi and Caper fall into that category.

And Dan is asleep on my couch! In Johnstown! Dan is in Johnstown! We went to the famed Inclined Plane, though the cars weren't running because of construction, and Dan took photos of the lovely downtown valley old steel mill depressed area, and we (he) bought a shot glass for Will. No moving pen for us. Then we did the Reebok run up the stairs to the Mound (well, not really - we are old and lazy) and I discovered there are new MONKEY BARS and a merry-go-round at the playground! Monkey Bars! Dan chuckled at my childish happiness, but he was just as geeked to see the tire swing.

My life is regressing to childhood this week. I rather like it. Who needs a future? There are still cartoons I can watch, like Adult Swim, and maybe no one will notice if I just live in the basement for the rest of my life. Eating the Cheerios hidden in the kegerator.

the night before - the morning after

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