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me as a powerpuff girl

these days leave me hopelessly lugubrious

10.10.01 - 10:30 p.m.

Oh, I have fallen off the Diaryland wagon and must get back on again. Unlike horses and bicycles, which I've pretty much given up on, typing is a hand-eye coordinated activity I can actually do. Never got a badge for it in Brownies, but whatever.

So. Tonight's season premieres of Ed and Felicity. Hmmmm. You know what? It was kind of weird - I was kind of not ready for it, like it somehow snuck up on me even though I've been watching Friends and Angel for a few weeks now. Maybe it's because I have no life routine and my TV schedule is similarly disrupted, but it was difficult for me to get back into my Wednesday night groove. Compounded by the fact that they changed the Ed theme song! Yes! I am shitting no one - completely new and semi-sucky song! No more "Next Year!" I am not a happy camper.

And then the Ed and Carol tension seemed a little contrived at the beginning, and kissing the garden gnome was just sort of funny and a rehash of when Mike had to kiss Kenny, and Bonnie Hane always makes me grrrrr a little bit, but the awkwardness, the getting back into the swing of things may have needed to be there. Because by the end of the show, Phil Stubbs was back and it seemed to be a little better, more reassuring. I can only hope.

Felicity, on the other hand, was an unexpected joy. I'd forgotten how much I loved those characters. And this week's storyline, with Felicity feeling lost and unsure about what she wants to do with her future while her father thinks she's been wasting her time entirely in college...well, it felt rather familiar. Especially with Dad in the same room as me while I was watching. I turned up the volume so maybe he'd hear the dialogue and get the hint, but what are the chances? At least THEIR theme song was the same, thank god. I would have felt like the stars were conspiring against me otherwise.

So my life is still lost and unsure, but at least I'll be moving to the honest-to-god apartment on Saturday. To sleep on a couch for two weeks, but I don't care. I made a decision and it's mine and at least I've got that. With friends. And my guy close by.

the night before - the morning after

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