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me as a powerpuff girl

it's all happening

10.10.01 - 11:00 p.m.

OK, yet another entry because I want to stock up, in case the internet thing is kablooey at Kerry's (my?) house and I have to fall off the wagon for a few more days.

Today while driving the whole way across New Jersey and nearly the whole way across the great state of Pennsylvania (oh, what a hard word that was to spell in fourth grade) I cataloged what I wanted/needed from the drugstore. The Eckerd, as we call it here, because all proper nouns in western PA must be prefaced with a "the." This vocabulary quirk is one I accept without understanding, much like my Moom's tendency to call people "that Rayanne Graff." Or another nonfictional name always beginning with "that." Oh you Moom!

Anyway. I went to The Eckerd and stocked up on all kinds of lovely bathroom products I was sorely in need of, like bedtime zit dots and razor blades, and since all the Biore stuff was 15 percent off, I treated myself to some face strips. Like the nose strips but better because my chin breaks out way way more often than my nose ever thinks to. I even got new batteries for my camera and developed pictures from Dan's visit to Chicago (40-exposure rolls are no good for anything except European vacations) but I forgot to check my Sudafed status. I will be a sad panda with an unblemished chin and snot running down my nose if I run out.

And I am so happy that I will soon be having my own bathroom that I will be cleaning only for me, with all my little bath accoutrements and the ability to TAKE a bath whenever I want, even if I am a shower curtain snob and the ones at Bed Bath & Beyond aren't good enough for me. And a big bedroom that won't be completely engulfed by my big comfy bed and my baby to sleep there with me, and just to have one part of my master plan sort of figured out so I can move on to the career portion.

It's all happening.

the night before - the morning after

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