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me as a powerpuff girl

my family of packrats

10.11.01 - 11:31 p.m.

Yeah, I have to agree with my baby on the new Emode tests. The "Which Friend are You?" test told me I was a Phoebe, when I am OBVIOUSLY a Monica (the shower curtain compulsion! the neurotica!) and the "What's Your Theme Song?" test gave me "I Will Survive" when I wanted...well, I'm not sure what I wanted, but not that one. And NO, I didn't retake them till I got the right ones. Usually they've got me down to the penny but not this time.

I spent the afternoon in the storage shed going through boxes of stuff my grandparents gave us when they sold their Johnstown house to live in their Florida one full-time. (And you wonder why the company went bankrupt? Geez.) Even though I know they didn't really want or need half this stuff anymore, it still made me sad to rifle through it all. These are the same glasses, coasters, ceramic cats that sat in their same locations for 21 years and now I'm giving it all away to the Salvation Army. Everything changes.

The problem with that side of the family, though, is that no one can ever throw ANYTHING away. That's why my sister and I could wear Dad's old sweaters and jeans in high school, that's why we needed a storage shed in the first place. That's why the bike helmets and rack and bikes themselves are still in the garage, even though not one of us has biked in years and they could have been sold to another family a long time ago. It's a sick, sad compulsion and I'm trying to fight it.

Now I have to go pack even more boxes of my stuff (frog collection, anyone?) so I can move it to Jersey City on Saturday. Ah, vicious circle.

the night before - the morning after

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