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me as a powerpuff girl

i have an interview

10.17.01 - 1:43 p.m.

Well, I have an interview Friday for some kind of associate writer position at some B2B magazine called CRM or something. Yes, I know, I should be researching right now. And I am and I will be as soon as I finish the entry. When the editor called, I couldn't even place the name of the magazine. Obviously I'd sent them something if they were calling me, but it had to have been when I was still in school - August, probably. I can vaguely remember the cover letter I sent - something highlighting all those media/technology writing skills I have. Um...I've been clicking through their website and it's all jargon to me. Boy, are they going to be disappointed.

At least it's an interview so I feel like something is happening, even if there's no chance in hell I'm the girl for this job. It'll make my perpetual headache quit for a few hours and give Dad something to chew on so I won't look like the world's biggest slacker. And then maybe Ellen from Martha Stewart will offer me a design job on the spot and I won't even have to think about writing another word.

Dan has an interview today, in about an hour, at a publishing house for health-related magazines. I want it to go well - I don't want him to have to commute to a job where he won't get home till 1 in the morning. I don't want either of us to be unhappy with our jobs or feel like we're wasting our time, or in over our heads, but I know we need paychecks. And it would be nice to have something vaguely 9-to-5 too.

I can't even remember what CRM stands for. I used to know this summer. I have to find my clips. I don't even want to write about computer shit anymore. Arrrrghhh.

the night before - the morning after

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