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me as a powerpuff girl

the world's best-kept Nintendo secret

11.02.01 - 3:35 p.m.

Hmm. I am feeling a little not-so-well in the stomach area. If I were a fish or something you might say I looked green around the gills. But I must persevere because there are bureau drawers all over my bed and I must put all my clothes away before I collapse from food poisoning or gangrene or anthrax or whatever it is I have.

And I cannot die before I play at least one game of BALLOON FIGHT, the absolute best Nintendo game ever to hit the streets. I can't believe no one else has ever heard of this game. Were Bassett and I the only ones who ever rented it from Blockbuster? Clearly there was at least one other person who did, because I found it used at Funcoland. It is the world's best-kept Nintendo secret. And since I am the only one left with an original Nintendo Entertainment System, it is mine, ALL MINE! Mwah ha ha ha.

I saw the Ryan Adams (not Bryan Adams) video for "New York" today and he's standing in Brooklyn across from the World Trade towers throughout. And it makes the video hard to watch because you can't concentrate, you stare at the buildings instead of listening to the song the entire time. They become the unintentional stars of the video. It's just too weird.

And you know what else? I hate how everyone refers to it as The Tragedy. Just our practice of titling and naming everything. You can hear the capital letters in people's voices - "since The Tragedy we haven't had phone service," they say. I don't know what else we should call it, I guess I just say September 11. It's just like everything, all the hurt, has been packaged into one official name.

I feel ooky. So much work to be done. And I think somehow I fucked up my job submission thing on Time Inc. I am worthless! And I wish I had more to say.

the night before - the morning after

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