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me as a powerpuff girl

emeril is forced to wear a new jacket

11.16.01 - 3:16 p.m.

Remember the night on Letterman when Dave kept making fun of the TV Guide blurb for that week's Emeril? It said, "Emeril is forced to wear a new jacket," and it became Dave's running joke of the night. Well, in the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly, the TV blurb for ER simply states, "Dr. Benton starts punching people." I think we have a trend here.

Good thing the big boss guy here has Funkmaster Flex on his phone list. You know, just in case old Funky wants to make an educational film or something.

Uhhhhgghhh, TGIF, seriously. I'm sick of this week and I don't even want to go out to the movies tonight, not after last night's blowout of tasty Asian and martinis, I can't spend any more money and I really want to sit in my pj's. Ah, for the carefree days of unemployment...though maybe I shouldn't even joke about that. I just want to ace this interview, NOT come back to the office, NOT take a crowded Path train home, just kind of float there and into my bed.

And speaking of the Path train, there is no way in hell you'd ever see a famous person on one of them. You might catch Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick on the subway, as I overheard someone in the office saying they did, but I highly doubt anyone who's anyone would even set their manicured foot inside the Path doors. It is just so cramped and hideous in the morning, and grossly overheated ALL the time - I wouldn't put myself through it if I had the extra cash to spare.

I am starting to get antsy. I am starting to touch my face and mess up my 'do. I need to remain cool and positive for the next 45 minutes. Oh yeah.

the night before - the morning after

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