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post-interview analysis

11.16.01 - 5:49 p.m.

So. The interview. Which I said I wouldn't talk about, because then I would jinx it, but it's on my mind anyway. And I have to just get some thoughts down in case I do decide to follow up.

I asked Bob, the creative director, what the most important quality was for the candidate to have, and he said it basically boiled down to being a good person (and also getting along with the rest of the department). Oh, if he only knew. How half the people I've been working with are SO not good people and all I want is to work with people I really respect and get along with. I wonder if I could just email him and tell him that. I wish I could. Arrrghhh.

I want to work at a job I love, and really learn and get experience from the things I love, and I think I could do that with this job. Is there any way to tell if that comes through in an interview? I feel like I spend most of my time blabbering, and don't explain myself clearly enough or come up with the right things to say in conversation. Bob asked me what neighborhoods I like to walk around in the city and I couldn't even think of one. I ended up talking about the stupid Just Bulbs store I saw on Broadway last night.

Bob also asked me why I liked magazines, and I think I said something along the lines of how they're more permanent and substantial than newspapers and more of a luxury to people. Which is all true and I like feeling that I'm giving people something they can enjoy, but I know there's a better and more thought-out answer to that question. I'm going to figure it out this weekend and email that to him. I'm a writer, still; I can do that, right?

I also need to leave a voicemail for Giulia saying how great it was to meet Bob and Jean. But I can't do that with stupid unnerving Evan around. Mister Fucking Superiority. Condescending bastard. When I talk about people who are not good people who I work with, I'm talking about him. So that will have to wait until I get outside.

Oh, and I forgot my cell phone was on, which I'd left on in case Giulia called to change the interview, and stupid stupid Dad called in the middle of it. Why? WHY? I'm an ass.

the night before - the morning after

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