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my life in reception purgatory

11.29.01 - 6:22 p.m.

God, I hate not having a routine. So I'm still freaking here at Film Company, and I don't really have a point for being here and I don't know why they're keeping me around at all and there's not much to say about it except it's puzzling and frustrating. I know I'm not going to be offered a permanent job here and though it's good to have the paycheck, I just feel kind of in the way.

But there's an intern here who looks eerily like Xander from Buffy, but a really really extremely nerdy Xander - like if he never gained any self-confidence after the first three episodes. And I'm afraid he thinks I might want to be his friend or something because he keeps coming into the reception room to talk with us, which might be a little bit my fault. Because the first few times I saw him I just stared for a while, like I might know him but couldn't place him, and that's why. Because he's Xtra Nerdy Xander! I see him on my TV every night!

Oh, that's another thing. I can't stand having to sit at the same retarded reception desk with Kathleen all day. I know she's new and all, but GOD. She's just so slow at everything and gets so flustered - I mean, it's reception, folks. Not the end of the world. You don't need to have a masters degree to do the job well. Answer the phone, answer the door. IT'S NOT FUCKING BRAIN SURGERY! She can't even remember things I told her yesterday so when she gets in trouble for giving out titles and personal info on the phone, I want to scream, "I told you so! Are you dense?" People do kind of expect you to be dumb at this job, but that doesn't mean you have to live up to the reputation.

AND I don't get full use of the computer all day, so I just sit around trying to find things to do, but there's nothing. They really don't need me here. Enough already!

the night before - the morning after

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