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me as a powerpuff girl

i have no head for figures at all

11.27.01 - 4:40 p.m.

FLEEP! Last day of work here! And my favorite MSN games aren't working, booo. (hand motion, hand motion) I've moved on from the E! Primetime Poker game to Bejeweled, which I kick so much ass at, and Alchemy, which I can't quite figure out. But it has zodiac signs involved and that's good.

Also trying to balance my checkbook, for real, for the first time ever. Dan looked at me this past weekend while we were in Henri Bendel and I was flipping out excitedly over some new makeup product or other and emphatically told me we were keeping separate accounts. And so I had to grin, and hug him, because I really am a huge financial mess and I'm glad he can love me in spite of it. But for once in my life there is actual cash flow - not much, more like a cash trickle, but it's nice. Not like waitressing where I would have $600 in bills sitting on my dresser and I would feel like the smooth gangsta pimp, but still. It's actually better this way.

How does one balance a checkbook anyway?

(time passing, time passing...)

Wow. It really, truly, actually balanced. Even though it's not even a month's worth of withdrawals, and it's my first attempt ever. I am the smartest woman alive! Now I just have to stick to it every month.

So tomorrow I'm back on the streets, looking for some more career lovin'. Evan just did his daily 'be nice to Casey' routine, telling me I only had two more hours left. Ha. He's going to miss me when he has to train the new girl all over again and teach her his stupid IM language and berate her for not getting enough information. Even though today I opened the cookies he was saving for the meeting and everybody ate them. Ha!

Last night when I was walking home I saw the awesome orange cat who always sits by the van, but this time I decided to stop and make little cat noises instead of just walking along going "hiii, baby! hi, kitty kitty boo boo!" His friend the grey cat slunk out from under the van and both of them circled me, rubbing against my legs, and though I knew they were looking for more food and not for love from me, it was still so nice to have a cat around. I want a kitty!

the night before - the morning after

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