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me as a powerpuff girl

it's merely a flesh wound

12.05.01 - 7:38 p.m.

After yesterday being one of the worst days at work ever - coffeepot falling on my head, general horrible temp duties like being the office maid - today totally hooked me up. All kinds of food in the office like cappucino and crab rolls, and I finally found the scripts to Rent (the PG-13 version! how weird is that going to be?) and Death to Smoochy, so that will make for some fun reading later. And nothing fell on my head. OH, and one of the temp girls knows someone who does casting for Ed, so I have to keep bugging her about that. I know, I know, for all the things I complain about, sometimes this job has its perks.

Dan and I are playing the Who Do You Do? game on E! Online to tell us our love types. No matter how many times I do it, with guys OR girls, I keep getting Kerouac as my type. Of course. And Dan just did too. If we get the same result in an online game, it's obviously meant to be!

And it's so good to wake up next to Dan every morning. I am in domestic bliss. And I listen to John Mayer on the bus in the morning and sing "Why, Georgia" in the copy room (or is it "Why Georgia" - where goeth the comma?) and I can't wait to have this weekend with him, even though I'm a poor sad son of a bitch, and he makes me feel all right with the world. Even when I call him crying on the phone because I have a lump on my forehead and I'm at Penn Station instead of the Port Authority and have to walk 10 blocks uptown due to my stupidity, when he comes to the door and I see his face it's ok. He makes me feel normal and not insane and just fine.

Oh, and thank god Evan's in a normal mood today or I would beat his head with a coffeepot. I would.

the night before - the morning after

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