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me as a powerpuff girl

normally my horoscope is right on, but not today

12.10.01 - 2:24 p.m.

Hmmm. Now I feel bad, like my bad mood on Friday evening infected the entire group. And I had so much to say then before everything went haywire and now I can't remember a thing. I have to do my holiday cards, have to finish my shopping, and I think Bassett already has the present I planned to get her. Bassie, what do you want????

There are evil tulips sitting next to me at the reception desk that look like little yellow Seymours, or venus fly traps. They have red tips and the ones that haven't bloomed yet look like they're puckering up to kiss me or eat me with that red lipstick. Eeeeee.

Life just rolls on and on. It's already December 10, which is supposedly my luckiest day of the year, so I'm waiting for that one amazing thing to happen to me. All I've done so far is sort the mail, answer phones and pay some bills, and I highly doubt any of those were the magical occurrence. We'll see.

the night before - the morning after

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