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me as a powerpuff girl

i left my toy on! (and plastic t.rex goes 'raaaaaah')

12.17.01 - 5:40 p.m.


I'd like to make an album chart of the year like our British friend John from Bobbins, but I can't even remember what albums came out this year. I keep listening to the same ones over and over again because I never take them out of my stereo. Even scarier, John's lists from 1990-2000 are eerily similar to the records I bought each year - am I unoriginal or does he just have good taste?

I just have to bitch. Just for a little bit, just to get it out of my system so it doesn't bottle up and one day I look at Evan and explode. So I was asked to run an errand today, which since it's been slow at the office I don't mind doing. And since everyone and THEIR MOTHER here asks me to do shit and I am answering everyone else's phones, I say ok and trundle off to inform Evan. To which he makes his pained face - oh, wait, that's his normal face - and says, "ok, but that is SOOOOOO inappropriate. How long are you going to be?" Like it really matters since all I do is run things back and forth between his office and Trevor's like a messenger owl.

Anyway. Upon returning from the errand, Evan informs me that I am no longer to make coffee runs or to do any other sort of errand run without his permission. Oh, yeah, like I have so much power here I can just be like, "ummm, nah." Maybe if you defined my job duties and boundaries more, Mr. Bitchy Man, I wouldn't have to say no to so many people. But when you let me help Alison and Ally AND Ron, the whole office assumes I'm up for grabs.

So I gotta say, I'm looking forward to massive quantities of buttercrunch when I get home. And a pedicure and possibly some soothing Wild Sweet Orange (which actually deserves some sort of emphasis, like Wild SWEET! Orange) tea. And maybe stealing the Kate & Leopold video I found in the small conference room so I can save a tenner. Huzzah!

the night before - the morning after

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