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me as a powerpuff girl

central park in the morning

12.13.01 - 3:29 p.m.

This morning I got up early to do the Christmas shopping and took the N train to Central Park. I stepped out of the subway at the southern edge of the park and the city was so beautiful I wanted to cry. It was a grey, misty day with the fog hanging over the Pond (not the Lake, the Reservoir, the Loch or the Meer, as they are labeled on my Artwise map) and the bridge behind like it was a painting, and the gilt on the Plaza shining through the morning. And I was nearly alone, one of the few people on the street to see how wonderful the entire scene was. Like on Felicity last night when she and Noel saw the pink snow and she said how the city shows its beauty so unexpectedly, and no one would ever believe it unless they were there to see it with her.

Then I went into FAO Schwarz to get Dad's gift and there were HUGE FLUFFY PANDAS munching on bamboo behind the clock! They were grrrrreat, and I wanted to get one for Bassett because what is better than getting a big furry stuffed lovable HUMONGOUS PANDA from your seestor for the holidays? Almost as good as a bison! But they were a hundred bucks each, so I knew it was time to move on.

And I got almost everything I needed and wanted, and kept mostly within my $35 limit for all presents, and courageously took my first NYC bus ride down Fifth Avenue to the office. I know it's prejudiced, but I just don't trust the bus system of any city. Trains run on a track, you know they're going to be coming sooner or later, but buses are wily. Unpredictable. Careening around the city without a care. I must admit, I enjoy the ride to and from Dan's on the Edgewater bus, but that's more like a train to me. It has an assigned space in the Port Authority. It just seems better. I have to get over my bus fear - it will mean less work for my feet - but it's difficult. So much easier to walk when I know I'm in control.

Damn gnats around this workspace. Is there a dead body hidden in the wall or something? Phantom Dennis?

the night before - the morning after

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