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me as a powerpuff girl

the prospect of employment looms

12.20.01 - 8:07 p.m.

OK, so a woman whose husband was killed on Sept.11 is suing United for wrongful death. I quote from MSNBC: "The suit alleged that [the husband] suffered severe fright and terror before dying in the crash."

Now I know there are many factors and many points of negligence that allowed these people to get on the planes, but is it really necessary to drag this through court? Weren't the events of that day enough to make us realize we need to make some changes? If you're hurting for money because your husband died, why not pick a number that makes sense, helps get you back on your feet rather than seeking 'unspecified damages' - if any member of my family died today, $1 million would not make me feel any better than $100,000.

I just don't see the point in lawsuits like this one.

In other news (because Cubiclegirl is right - there always is other news) Evan made me a permanent offer for my position today. Dim Bulb Receptionist didn't even make it a month here! I'm not sure if she quit or was fired, but I don't think anyone was too sad to see her go. So now I am left with a new dilemma - do I take a job with people I can definitely work with and in an office I am already comfortable with, but which has SHITTY pay and is not exactly what I went to grad school for?

I don't particularly want to be answering phones for a living, but I know people get promoted rather quickly here. I also know Alicia (publicist) will be needing an assistant in a few months, which will be better than being general assistant girl like I am now. I ALSO know it's a new, rather hip company with beaucoup financial backing so we're not in danger of going under like a It's just that...I don't know, I feel like I'm abandoning something if I decide to do this. The prospect of unemployment is so threatening and I will still be hurting financially even with this job, but I don't see many other options at this point.

And Evan really does like me, which might be the scariest thing of all. Not like like me, but you know what I mean. And Cary does too, which I guess means something. Pffft. All this after they neglected to invite me to the holiday party until 5 pm yesterday. At least now I don't feel like I ruined any chances here by not attending. Double pfffft!

the night before - the morning after

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