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me as a powerpuff girl

failure at remaining incognito in the mall

12.26.01 - 11:20 p.m.

Well, floop. Again, the need to update even though I think I broke my finger in my sleep last night and life in western PA has forced me to lump all my days and nights into a big TOFURKEY-like glob.

I ventured into the mall today for a haircut and a surprise eyebrow wax since it was only 8 bucks (things are so cheap here! My haircut was only, like $20!) and who do I see directly afterward in the Gap with my eyelids all red and puffy but Court. "Hey, Court."

"Hey, Case. Guess we didn't get to meet up at that Ben Folds concert on September 11."

"Uh, nope. Didn't quite make it."

And that was pretty much the extent of it. But I got the white zipup sweater I really wanted instead of yet another turtleneck, which is all fine and Casey-like but I really need to cut down on them. A girl can only have so many, and I'd say having, oh, THIRTEEN or so counts as 'so many.' Yar.

But Dan got a DVD player! So we can watch Moulin Rouge! Even though it has been banned from being the first DVD played in the machine, which is ok because I have to borrow it from Kerry anyway.

I really liked not having many presents this year. Not just because I am the worst present recipient ever and would rather have a fat check, but because it was so much simpler. Not as much pressure. Besides, Dad's only going to pay for my car insurance until November (at which point it will be sold) and my cell phone for six more months, and my student loans are about to kick in on top of my obscene rent, so I better quit buying things for people. Myself included.

Although I did buy Dan a little something something today, because I saw it and it made me think of him and I get to give it to him tomorrow. I like little 'I love you' presents so much more than presents that are expected on big occasions. It's nicer to be reminded that someone loves you at unexpected times.

Now I'm crying. I don't know what else to say. It's not like I live my life in big emotional turmoil these days, it's just been a pretty stressful year. The world at large, and the fact that I had to make some transitions, and the constant question of who I want to be. But I think I'm getting through it fairly well. I miss my sister. And it's been sad without Kodi around. And I wish Moomy wasn't sad, and I still don't know what to do about Dad. Or my finances. But me, personally, I think I'll be ok. The job - even with crummy pay - has a lot to do with that.

Dr. Craig (and family) sent Moomy a Christmas card. That I find almost weirder than anything else.

the night before - the morning after

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