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me as a powerpuff girl

girl cat, pretty with a capital P

01.02.02 - 6:06 p.m.

OK, I just ate seven pieces of butter crunch whilst loafing at my desk. I am pathetic.

And it really is my desk now, since I really did accept the position permanently, so now I am Evan's bitch forever and ever. Eeeep. I do think I will get a promotion in 6 months or so, though, and that is a good thing. Then I get to be Alicia's bitch, but won't have to answer phones so much. And I'll get to be a publicity whore. Like on Ed. And make nerds like Warren Cheswick popular and famous. Whee!

And this, from MightyBigTV, just perfectly describes how much I love MSCL and Mr. Katimsky. Oh, Jeff Perry! Gee whiz!
Mr. K asks Angela if she'll sell thirty tickets to Our Town. She dissembles, and he blusters that it's "thirty measly tickets," and Angela gives in all "okay, okay," and Mr. K says, and I quote: "Ha-huh HA ha ha! Great." I can't replicate that little laugh in words, unfortunately. I really wish Jeff Perry would turn up on a primetime show, because he rules.

Hmmm. Dan told me I was the love of his life on New Year's Eve as I was stumbling out of the bathroom and trying not to trip over GirlCat, and it made me all giddy inside. And not because of the drinky-poos, either. I hadn't even had champagne yet! I keep thinking about it and thought it was worth a mention. Whee!

And I called the little Bassie at midnight and it was so good to talk to her, even with Dan shouting things into the phone like "I am Louis Pasteur!" and Bassett asked, "Is Dan drunk?" Which he was. Although we have been known to shout "I am Louis Pasteur!" in sober moments as well.

There was so much more I wanted to say, since I've been away in the general non-updating holiday spirit, but it is escaping my brain. Maybe being sucked out of it by the evil broken copy machine, which only makes me think of "Sick Day" more often.

This is disjointed. I get to listen to Rufus Wainwright on the ride home. Huzzah!

the night before - the morning after

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