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me as a powerpuff girl

a new CD to save my pennies for

01.04.02 - 2:14 p.m.

OK, I have been trying to find this online forever. Look at the track listing for the I Am Sam soundtrack. All Beatles covers. Done by all these wonderful people. If this is in fact the final cut, how good is this going to be?

1. Across The Universe - Sean Lennon and Rufus Wainwright
2. Blackbird - Sarah McLachlan
3. You've Got To Hide Your Love Away - Eddie Vedder
4. I'm Looking Through You - The Wallflowers
5. Strawberry Fields Forever - Ben Harper
6. Let It Be - Nick Cave
7. Mother Nature's Son - Sheryl Crow
8. Nowhere Man - Paul Westerberg
9. Two Of Us - Aimee Mann and Michael Penn
10. Don't Let Me Down - Stereophonics
11. We Can Work It Out - Heather Nova
12. I'm Only Sleeping - The Vines
13. Help! - Howie Day
14. Revolution - Grandaddy
15. Julia - Chocolate Genius
16. Golden Slumbers - Ben Folds

the night before - the morning after

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