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booze even makes everything better, even ED

01.17.02 - 4:49 p.m.

Once again, I must discuss this week's episode of Ed, not only because it is deserving of merit but because Dan is doing it too and I'm not allowed to read his entry until I write mine.

It's no wonder I watch all my TV shows late at night, by myself. I invariably cry during each one. Last night I was reduced to tears by Big Pussy's wife's monologue (hee - I just had to write it that way) about how she and her husband (who actually did a fine job as Ralph and not Big Pussy) were best friends and after everything else they went through in 25 years, fucking some other random woman was just a drop in the bucket. Or something like that, I was crying.

And not because of the injustice of being able to do that to your long-suffering wife, either. I was all blubbery about Dan and how if I had two days of complete freedom, I'd want to spend them with him, and how he's become my best friend in so short a time, and blabbity blah blah blah, all these sappy romantic thoughts that only I can come up with when I'm drunk late at night. Talking about going out for our six-month anniversary only added to the love-fest, I'm sure.

It really wasn't at all as cynical as I'm making it out to be today, but now that I'm sober and falling asleep at my desk, it's a little more difficult to conjure up the drunken emotionality of the moment. Apart from the heinous idea Big Pussy and his wife came up with, it was a good episode. All major characters were present and accounted for (except, mysteriously, Shirley) and there was good rapport. Principal Drunk Dennis needs to drown in the lake right soon, but Nancy was thankfully kept to the background during her short amount of screen time.

What is wrong with me today? Why must I be a raving bitch about this episode? I liked it, I really did. It had many characteristics of the old Ed which we all miss and love and allowed the wonderful permanent cast not only a chance to mix it up amongst themselves, something we haven't seen a lot of recently, but had a truly good guest star as opposed to last week's blandness.

And that's really all I have to say about that. Carey is staying permanently! Yay! As we've discussed at length, what other choice is there? And Evan has been wearing the same pants three days in a row.

the night before - the morning after

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