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me as a powerpuff girl

weekend plans, thwarting the devil

01.18.02 - 5:42 p.m.

Weekend plans are thus: to eat wings with Daniel-san and Carey and her Internet Boyfriend, to sleep in my snuggly bed that sadly cannot fit the Powerpuff sheets, to watch a movie or two, to go out on the town Sunday night for the Anniversary Dinner with aforementioned hot boyfriend. Not Carey's internet boyfriend, my real and in-the-flesh . Whee!

Ha ha, Bassett, I have tamed my boy so that he only plays Dr. Mario when I am otherwise occupied and he does not have to attend to my needs. I have conquered the devil and his video games! Or rather, I have never bothered to buy any system after the Super Nintendo so maybe the devil has forgotten all about me.

The Delia*s catalog is for people without hips. How they got Shakira to be their cover model is beyond me.

Evan is still wearing the same pair of pants. Evan! Pants! Now!

the night before - the morning after

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