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me as a powerpuff girl

friends to know, and ways to grow a reading rainbow

01.22.02 - 5:49 p.m.

Another reason I hate the bus - actually, the same reason, but another example of bus unpredictability. Today I spent OVER AN HOUR on a bus ride that normally takes less than 35 minutes. I got on at 7:55 and did not reach Penn Station until after 9. Who knows what was happening? Was there traffic? I couldn't see anything so I just decided to sleep until we got there. And I can't tell if this is lucky or just my pointless life, but I was late for work and it didn't even matter because no one else was there.

But then I met Levar Burton! He had a meeting with the production VPs - no one tells me these things! He just walked into the reception area wearing these 80s plastic sunglasses - not a far cry from Geordi LaForge, whom Bassett and I used to imitate with our headbands when we were young - and was like, "hey. I'm Levar Burton." like he was the coolest, most 80s children's TV show host ever. And I really wanted him to ask me a question so I could dispense advice and then say, "But you don't have to take my word for it."

But he didn't. Sigh.

And Evan doesn't even know what Reading Rainbow IS! Are you serious? I can still sing the entire theme song! It's all we've been talking about all day!

Tomorrow I get to meet Frank Coraci, director of the not-so-critically acclaimed films The Waterboy and The Wedding Singer, which normally I'd be pretty excited about if he weren't an absolute DICK to me on the phone today. All because I didn't book him a first-class flight from LA, boo hoo, and I didn't know DGA members have first-class seats in their contracts or something, oh, so sorry. Whatever. I know it's not my fault because no one here books first-class flights and because I'm actually quite good at orchestrating plans and travel schedules, but there's no need. Respect, people.

And so the best quote of the day has to come from Andy, who perfectly sums up all my nerd hopes and fears in these three sentences:

"so i ended up crossing a line that i never thought i would cross. i ended up buying a norton anthology for fun. if you can't understand how twisted this is than you've never had to take an english survey course."

the night before - the morning after

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