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me as a powerpuff girl

jackie is a punk, judy is a runt

01.25.02 - 5:25 p.m.

I don't know why I'm in a quoting mood this week, but I'll go with it.

First, from a Time Out NY review on The Royal Tenenbaums:

"Anybody who can resist a movie in which a montage of sexual pecadilloes is set to the Ramones' 'Judy is a Punk,' or in which three characters are perpetually dressed in matching red Adidas tracksuits - well, those folks are welcome to the comparatively drab world they'd rather inherit."

Yeah! I don't really have anything to add to this; it just affirms my opinion of the film by dismissing its detractors.

Second, from an MSNBC article on the Census Bureau's latest Statistical Abstract of the US:

"New York was by far the most expensive large city to live in, more than twice the national average in 2000. Los Angeles, San Francisco and Boston were no bargains, either. Chicago and Washington, D.C., however, were - both just slightly above the national average."

No wonder I miss Chicago so much. It was a more economically viable place for me to be - not that I couldn't tell that by the extreme difference in my rent checks or anything.

Eh. Anyway. Today has also been a rather hideous day, with not too many notable exceptions. I got to step outside the building while the sun was still shining and notice the aforementioned sunshine and the greenery of Bryant Park, and I shocked Evan by knowing that the Moroccan consulate was on the 23rd floor of our building. Hee! Random knowledge!

Last night I told Moomy about Levar Burton and she was rightly excited. Go Levar! And I started watching Forrest Gump but didn't even make it to Vietnam before I fell asleep.

I really want to eat wings this weekend. My wing-eating was thwarted last Saturday by the so-called winter storm and, though they were tasty in their own right, the Morningstar wings did not quite satisfy my craving. So wings it must be, and maybe a visit to the Guggenheim.

And GO STEELERS! I don't even know why I try to discuss football - it is just in my stupid western PA blood to root for the Stillers. In Picksburgh. Eatin' Primmanni Bruthers sammiches. Cowher Power!

the night before - the morning after

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