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me as a powerpuff girl

the expense and errand girl

01.29.02 - 11:10 a.m.

Maybe two entries today, to make up for my lack of motivation yesterday. Then again, maybe not.

Last night Kerry and I finally did what we should have done a month ago: hook up the E-Kara. As she so astutely noted, "Who knew we could have this much fun sober?" Dan mocked it, but I bet he'll come downstairs after everyone's gone to work and bust out a few pop hits. Seriously. That thing is the dope shit, yo. The only problem is that there are only 5 songs on the cartridge.

Oh, I met Tim Blake Nelson yesterday. He's short. He likes his coffee black.

I hate not having a reason to come to work every morning. I'm happy to have a paycheck and happy to have a job at all, but it's just the feeling that I could be doing so much more. My brain feels unused, or used in the wrong ways. All my thought processes are going toward ordering office supplies and keeping track of others' lives. I want a project, I want to do something relevant here instead of being the expense and errand girl. Thank you, economy. Thank you, Medill education.

I can't dwell, though, or Evan will ask why I'm being cranky. Because he's always a ball of sunshine.

Time to read The Princess Bride!

the night before - the morning after

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