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me as a powerpuff girl

business cards don't make me any more valuable

02.01.02 - 5:52 p.m.

Once again, I had so much to say on the walk to work this morning and now my brain is a floating mass of goo. That's what a day at Walden does to you.

Regan surprised me with two boxes of my very own business cards this morning, and though I can't figure out why I am cool enough to have them, I am pleased nonetheless. Even the copy girl gets a business card. Now I can give them out like school pictures to friends and family.

But if I don't start getting more to do, I am going to collapse with boredom, or implode, or something equally drastic.

I'm going to the Donkey Show tonight, though. Should be interesting, if not downright fun. And dinner beforehand. I should stop feeling guilty about this when it's something that can't be helped. I do cut down on eating out during the week and on most costly activity during the weekends, but I can't sit in my apartment every night. Dan is right. It's a good escape. Otherwise both of us will go insane. And I need him to make it through my days.

Sigh. Meep. And I just got reprimanded by the FedEx guy. Can my week be over already?

the night before - the morning after

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