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me as a powerpuff girl

perkins and stafford are my two least favorite names

02.07.02 - 12:55 p.m.

I'm tired and it took me a half hour to get dressed this morning and I had stress dreams/ nightmares all night and I have to figure out how much I owe in loans or I am just going to explode. Arrrghh.

Most of my dreams involved work in some way - not always situated in the office, but Alison and Carey were definitely in them. In one we were in some scary building taking a trip to the gynecologist; later in that dream I was running through a dark part of town by a beach and a train. Then I set my apartment (fake dream apartment, not real one) on fire with only time to grab my CDs and my photo albums. Then for no reason at all I woke up in a cold panic about my student loans and whether I'd already missed a payment and no one told me.

So today I am going to consolidate my loans once and for all, even if it takes me 50 years of paying $50 a month to get through them, and I am going to call my granny because it's her birthday, and I'm going to send the Mojo Jojo valentine to Moomy. The loans CAN'T be more than $40,000. If they are, I'm jumping out the window.

And Dan, I'm sorry, I had no idea that basketball game meant so much to you. I was actually asleep during part of it. Oooops.

the night before - the morning after

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