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no more drinking nostalgia

02.08.02 - 6:51 p.m.

Celeb visits du jour: Dule Hill, who caused Dan to exclaim, "Get OUT! He's the coolest guy in your office!", and Mark Ruffalo, who nearly caused Jack to fall over in an epileptic fit of happiness. Free food and movie stars, the two best perks of my job.

I think I got any lingering nostalgia I had for my collegiate drinking days out of my system last night. Carey and I went on one of our boozing expeditions in the West Village, where her man-friends bought us way too many pitchers. I wrote in someone's copy of Journey to the Center of the Earth and I think I got on my soapbox about the Ramones. My favorite red coat fell on the floor and had beer spilled on it in three places. I wanted to throw up on the way home but only managed to spit over my shoulder as I walked. Then I ate a peanut butter English muffin, drank the rest of my orange juice and passed out. I think I was still drunk at 6:30 in the morning.

And all I did today was talk on IM to Dan, Jack and Carey. So productive. Such a team player. Carey and I decided that the prize for Pantsless Fridays would be Ron, since he is the Weekend Lay. We also decided I should decorate Evan's desk with pictures of Bruce Willis with little hearts all around, to underscore his repressed homosexuality. Why doesn't he just come out and admit it?

I can't spend any money this weekend. Really can't. Not when I know I'll be paying loans until I'm 44. But all I want is pasta from that Italian place on Bleecker! Pasta! Fettuccine with peas and cream sauce! Grrrr!

the night before - the morning after

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