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me as a powerpuff girl

an almost all-evan entry! yikes!

02.12.02 - 7:07 p.m.

From today's Yahoo horoscope:
Lately you may have been alternating between enthusiasm and total boredom with regard to your career, dear Pisces. Perhaps you aren't all that sure if you want to continue doing what you're doing. However, today, unexpected information could come your way, which may indeed point the way and open the door for new plans and positive opportunities. Don't let insecurity stand in your way. This could be the break you've been waiting for!

Well, that's a fucking shock.

Jack is putting these wonky New Age landscapes on our computer desktops and being pretty wonky himself, Evan is limping around because he got hit by a car this morning (!), which I want to laugh about but I can't because it really does kind of suck. Apparently the Port Authority was randomly closed this morning and Evan had to run out into the street to flag his bus down. As he did, he ran in front of a parked car that suddenly sprang to life and bonked him on the leg. Just as the bus door opened and Evan leaped inside. He says the car wasn't going very fast, but STILL.

And you can see how this makes me chuckle inwardly, because it's in the same vein as me slipping on that damn banana peel, but it's really more deadly when it's a 3-ton piece of metal and not an organic food wrapper. All of this can really be blamed on the stupid bus system for forcing its riders to court mortal danger just for a ride.

That is my bus rant for the day. And my moment of soft-heartedness toward Evan, which has been duly noted in case something really bad happens and no one can say I never said a nice word about him.

Please let me leave please let me leave I have so much to do please let me leave. Grrr.

Evan is also shocked by the "near pornography," as he calls it, of the Calvin Klein Travis campaign. This too amuses me to no end given that our fridge is covered with pictures of Monseiur Travis, both clothed and in his infamous tighty-whities. Those underwear are, um, flattering to the male form. Go Travis and your package!

the night before - the morning after

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