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me as a powerpuff girl

after fighting with the delivery girl over beef teriyaki

02.13.02 - 7:31 p.m.

Damn, that cookie was good. A whole day of abstinence from sweets and I blow it all on a big pink sugar heart. But ohhh, it was worth it.

Time to curl up on my desk and go to sleep. This was an "I hate my job" day, and the saddest part is that nothing terribly bad or out of the ordinary happened. It's just the stupid routine events that bring me down. Dad telling me how much my work sucks doesn't help much either.

I got to stroll around Union Square this morning en route to buy a camping knife for Carey. It'll be nice once the weather is warm to sit in the parks again. Or to do anything at all while wearing flip-flops. I want to go to bed. I've been having nightmares about doctors' offices and death, specifically coffins and decaying bodies (yum!), but maybe after I go to the doctor tomorrow they'll stop.

Well. This is an uplifting entry. I am happy somewhere inside, really I am. I have the love of a good man and I can fill my tummy with good food on a regular basis, but it's easier to complain when the things that annoy me are in close proximity. (is "close proximity" redundant, btw?)

If I had a cute baby turtle with its mouth open and ready to snap at me, life would be better. Tortuga! Raaaa!

the night before - the morning after

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