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me as a powerpuff girl

listing the good things in my life

02.21.02 - 2:21 p.m.

I cannot fully articulate the inner peace that comes with balancing one's checkbook. The fact that I still have enough money to live could be part of it, but actually keeping tabs on my spending and having a cash flow - credits as well as debits - is extremely satisfying.

Yesterday I escaped the torturous reception desk to be Alison while she went to Philly for the day. So nice to only answer one person's phone! So nice to hide in a corner, draft letters and assemble press kits instead of being Evan's bitch! I felt halfway bad for Jack, stuck in the front all day, but he pisses me off with his inability to think for himself. Please. Can you go look in the file cabinet before you ask me another insipid question? Can you, just once, REMEMBER anything I tell you? So I didn't really dwell on his bad luck and enjoyed my own free time.

This should be an entry of all good things occurring in my life. Bassett and Monsieur Jonboggs are coming tomorrow, hooray, and we are going to eat yummy Zen food and do silly seestorly things and enjoy the quality of J. Roget (which I must not forget to purchase tomorrow morning). Dan brought me leftover pasta with peas (more like peas with pasta) this morning, so I got to see him AND get tasty lunch that I will eat in less than an hour. Today's high temp is going to be 60 degrees, and while I have to stay indoors, I got to smell the damp, warm spring air that makes me think of Florida both last night and this morning.

I finished two New York crossword puzzles yesterday and the day before, I read the latest issue of Food and Wine to which I am getting a subscription, and, well, I can't think of much else, but that's a pretty good list, I think.

"I can't think of anyone with ambitions to be a librarian because they like reading. It's like shooting to become a bus driver because you like driving." - Evan

the night before - the morning after

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