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me as a powerpuff girl

not even enough to make the day worth it

02.26.02 - 7:07 p.m.

Yesterday my day was almost made worth it by the unexpected gift of two free CDs: Missy Elliott's Miss E...So Addictive and The Old 97's' Satellite Rides. Almost, but not quite.

Today there was no such luck and with being here an hour early for Pointless 401(k) Meeting and finding out at 5pm I have to stay late and roll calls for Cary, I can't imagine things looking up. I need to go home and wash undies! How can you keep me here when my undies aren't clean for the weekend?

Alas. I will not get any sleep until I am back from New Orleans, it is settled. Tomorrow I have to meet Dan after his game, Thursday is Bucknell Happy Hour in Hoboken (which truthfully I might skip if I'm feeling blah), and if I don't go to see 40 Days and 40 Nights with Kerry on Friday, she will murder me in my sleep.

OK, one good point. One very excellent point that still does not make up for my foul mood. That should tell you how horribly I am affected by being here. Kerry and I have free tickets to the Elton John/Billy Joel concert at the Garden on March 18th! Thank you, Boss Tom who is friends with Elton.

Can I please take a nap at my desk now?

the night before - the morning after

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