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me as a powerpuff girl

i like to eat mexican food and moomy sends toilet paper

02.28.02 - 2:23 p.m.

Hmmm. Somehow I must have forgotten to update yesterday. And what with my continued Foul Mood, I can understand why. Even as the weekend gets closer and closer, the damn Eeyore cloud keeps following me around.

Last night Dan and I double-dated with Carey and Matt - or rather, Carey, Matt and I went to this Mexican place and watched the Grammys until Dan showed up to drink some more. Given the amount and variety of alcohol I consumed, I should physically be feeling much worse, but I'm not. Tolerance yay!

Although I am cold. And have to pee. But won't get up because I'm not going to be like Jack who needs to be released from the front desk every fucking half hour like a small dog or something. I can just shine it on with my strong-willed bladder (and not so strong-willed stomach...oh Louis, I'm a slave for you).

So this weekend we need to see live zydeco and hang out with Acire and visit Mustafa's apartment and eat some tasty food and go to Fritzel's and stroll around and look in galleries and pretty much be touristy about the whole thing. Dan has put me in charge of getting us to the airport, which I can handle, and packing our things, which I can also handle. I can handle it all! I love to plan fun trips! Yeep!

Would I be happier if I were a party planner? Or a personal shopper? Or would I still be bitter over people who had more money and more flexibility with their lives than I do? Oh, what a bitter buffalo I am.

But I did finally get Bassett's CDs in the mail, it only took three weeks for them to travel from Lancaster to Jersey City, yeah, that's fine. I don't know whose post office is at fault, but I'm glad I have them now. Moogs! And sensitive girl boy singing! And strangely accented comedy about Mario Brothers!

Moomy also sent me tamari almonds all wrapped up in her distinctly moomy way with brown kraft paper. So they look like a small lumpy mail bomb but you think they are Cadbury Mini Eggs. Oh, Moomlet. I shall not forget the time you sent me toilet paper, all identifiably squishy, and I was mocked by the Engelhart front desk girl.

the night before - the morning after

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