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me as a powerpuff girl

and sleep through this weather

03.06.02 - 4:38 p.m.

Oh, sweet day when there are absolutely no receipts in the expense folder. Must remember this happy moment as it may never happen again.

Although I just let Jack make a correction to the beautifully finished expense reports in the hope that he may actually retain some knowledge this time and one day he just maybe possibly might be able to do something correctly on his own. Yes, I know it sounds far-fetched, and I fear he will instead find a way to crash the entire expensing system, but a girl can dream, can't she?

It's probably obvious that my mental health is considerably better today. I can't account for that change or for the disappearance of my fever - the drugs may have helped - but if I'm well enough to plow through receipts, I'm well enough to get through the entire workday. My entire morning commute and then some was consumed by the thought that I might take a half sick day, but clearly that's not happening. I feel OK, though, why waste it?

I still don't really feel like talking about my New Orleans trip, though, and Dan is way more comprehensive than I could ever be, but here goes. Other than my sleeping patterns, there's not really much else to discuss.

I think the underlying problem with the trip is I should have planned and I should have asked where Amy and James lived, but I left it up to chance just one time and of course it made me insane. It's not that I didn't have fun and we didn't do good things, it's that we took so LONG to decide what we were going to do and I felt so sadly dependent on others and their cars. I felt too pressured to spend time with my friends, especially Acire, instead of being able to concentrate solely on Dan, and the only time I got to be alone with Dan (other than planes and sleep) was a few hours at one dinner where we had to borrow the car like two sixteen-year-olds. Yes, it was an incredibly cheap vacation but it was supposed to be OUR vacation, for him and me and for time to relax and not think, and somehow I feel like I missed out on a lot of those things.

Ah. So that's all out there. I think I'll leave the details to Dan's diary for now, since there's nothing else I really care to talk about at the moment. The been-there, done-that is fine and good but I am just not in the mood. No, definitely can't turn the brain on any more.

Have two weeks worth of Buffy and Ed to watch when I get home. Still miss my boyfriend. Want to know where I'll be living in four months. Thinking about chucking it all and moving to somewhere I can afford things and have a yard. Know that's not going to happen in the near future, but thinking about it anyway.

the night before - the morning after

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