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me as a powerpuff girl

goals, short-term and otherwise

03.08.02 - 4:54 p.m.

Eh. It's the end of the week. I still haven't called half the people I should have, but at least I took care of the grandparents. Apparently they have a childhood video of me where I sing and dance a lot. Hmmm, that's surprising.

Have I mentioned lately that I hate this job? Cause I do.

I don't even have much more to say beyond that. Dad and Carol are probably coming tomorrow, unless Pitt loses tonight, but might be coming anyway because I am not the one to read the minds of those two. "Four Acrost!" If so, we get to eat lunch at Liberty Grille, but I also must endure the presence of them in my apartment and sleeping in my bed. If not, there will be no good food this weekend, but I get to keep my clean bathroom all to myself. I am rather territorial about my toilette.

Starting Monday, I am going to start job-hunting again. I have to. I have to make myself feel better, more productive, even if it's another empty search. The rejection will be somewhat easier to take this time around.

And I am going to quit picking my nails.

And I want a doughnut.

the night before - the morning after

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