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me as a powerpuff girl

mental health day

04.05.02 - 1:48 p.m.

There is a reason for no update yesterday, and it is because instead of sitting in reception hell, I ditched work and had a Great Day with Dan. A Fabulous Day. A day better than my birthday. A day for which they invented the term "mental health days."

I will try to do this chronologically: I woke up, did yoga, resolved to make my arms less like flabby chicken wings, Dan arrived, I put on several layers of clothing and we went to the Mets game.

He let me sit on the train while he stood because he is cute and gentlemanly like that, he showed me the spaceships from Men in Black because we were too hungover to look at them in November, and he introduced me to the big silly man that is Mo Vaughn. I love Mo Vaughn! His promo pictures crack me up with his toothy grimace/smile and he gets to wear #42.

Then the Pirates won and I did a little dance. And Dan laughed at me because of my vehement suggestions that they get a better picture of the Pittsburgh skyline to put behind the players' headshots when they're up to bat. I am just trying to promote tourism here, and the industrial wasteland shot they have isn't helping my cause.

We took the train back to Joisey City and made a stop at the P-N mall for an unexpected DVD extravaganza. We only wanted the Powerpuff Girls "Meet the Beat-alls" episode with Special Mojo Jojo Commentary, but Clerks was on sale and Breakfast at Tiffany's was on sale and how could we POSSIBLY pass those up?

Not that we actually watched any of them, because there was too much burger-making and Survivor- and Real World- and Osbournes-watching. And then there was sleeping.

And during everything it was so good because I was having fun with my guy and doing what I wanted to do instead of taking shite from stupid bitter people and having to do fifteen things at once because my coworker is a mental midget. No offense to any truly vertically-challenged folk out there.

I really do hate my job most days.

But at least today I am wearing fishnets to work, which I like to do, I am getting a haircut and general Day of Beauty on Saturday, and I love my Dan.

Oh, and one more thing. If Gwyneth is so much of a "macrobiotic yoga nerd," as she says, how in the HELL can she have such horrible posture? That's all I'm saying.

the night before - the morning after

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