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me as a powerpuff girl

three miles of bad road

04.03.02 - 2:43 p.m.

I want to take my daily vitamins but the Scariest Reader Ever is sitting in the reception room staring me down, and I don't want to get sucked into any type of conversation with her. Generally, I am saved by typing rapidly and hoping the phone rings a lot. Sadly, pretending to diligently read a magazine does not help. This is how I deal with every person who waits in reception. Especially delivery guys who like to talk about the weather.

I did NOT get to see The Osbournes last night, even though I was STILL here at work. Grrr. Life is so unfair. Although they'll rerun it three hundred times; who am I kidding?

Went out on a limb and called Beth last night; woke up before my alarm this morning to do some sit-ups and a little bit of yoga. Sigh. I used to be so flexible. Now it hurts to do even the most basic poses. A good hurt, but still. I can barely keep my legs straight during sun salutations! It is time to get back on the yoga wagon, non? What have I been doing with my body for the past year?

O French bulldogs, you wee paragons of cuteness, you!

I really felt nothing while talking to Beth, though. She's going on and on about how this is going to be a positive change for her life, and good for her, really, but that's how it always is. She's just chasing another random idea, like when she suddenly started applying to grad schools for French. I feel bad, because I know what it's like to not have a real sense of purpose, but I don't know what to do about her or have any constructive advice to give. Of course, it's good she's going to Chicago, it's a good city, but I don't want her to make this huge move just to be stuck and alone once more.

It's really not my responsibility, though, is it? Or maybe I am bitter because I feel no one lets me in on their lives anymore.

And I am SO calling in sick tomorrow. Mental health day!

the night before - the morning after

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