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me as a powerpuff girl

a near-perfect weekend

04.15.02 - 1:43 p.m.

So. I was bored at work on Friday night. Quelle shock. So I decided to see what would come up if I Googled "fat kitties." And this is what I got. TUBCAT: the page with the worst design, most misspellings, and fattest cats the world has ever seen.

Yes. I have nothing better to do with my time. Not to mention monopolizing Dave, Dan and Carey's time by making them look at the cats too.

I did leave work by 8pm, amazingly, and ate THE best Mexican drunk food after going to some dark underground Village bar with Carey. Why are those my favorites? Don't get me wrong - I love getting completely dressed up and hitting a chic restaurant, but when I want to drink, I'd rather do it at a dive. I am a creature of comfort in the end, I guess.

And that was only Friday. Despite my Saturday-morning slowness and then getting stuck in traffic over the Vincent Casciano Memorial Bridge, I made it down to the shore in pretty good time with the sun shining and Wheatus in the tape deck. Met Dave, Tom and Jess and we drove to the baseball game in Tom's new M3 which is blue and swanky and pretty much all computer-controlled.

It was the first perfect spring day of the year, with the flowering trees and the tulips and fat Oreo munching grass in the backyard. We cracked open some Sol and Sam's summer brew with our barbecue, and when it got dark we roasted marshmallows while Dave tended the fire with his pointy stick.

The s'mores, sadly, were my downfall, as I crashed extremely hard from my sugar rush and couldn't drink anything at Ichabod's. SAD! Yet much easier on my wallet. Didn't even make it to free ice cream at Dave's, but we've got all summer for that.

The next day, Jess and I wore our matching Strawberry Shortcake shirts while we watched Annie and the Strawberry Shortcake Housewarming Party episode for the second time. At which point I realized that I spent way too much time in front of the TV as a child, and that my parents must have been extremely indulgent with toys. I had every damn one! And not just Strawberry, but Rainbow Brite, She-Ra, Care Bears, Rose Petal, Herself the Elf - did any human interact with me during my childhood? Does anyone else even remember Herself the Elf?

Oh, hey, this girl does. And the rest of them too. Ooookay then.

the night before - the morning after

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