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me as a powerpuff girl

I got a sty in my eye, and it sounds like a country song

04.16.02 - 6:46 p.m.

Hooray! The time of sandals is officially upon us! Yesterday I wore the oldest pair of shoes in my closet, the red clogs Moomy bought me at the cute hippie store near Interlochen. Unfortunately, old age is catching up with them and their soles are beginning to split right down the middle. Boo. I sprinted in Carey's flipflops over to the Times Square Gap and picked up an emergency pair of thatch-soled, suede-thonged flippies for myself, which I will soon glue flowers on for that extra island effect.

Plus, I technically didn't break my new rule of not buying anything from the Gap since I had previously excluded flipflops from the moratorium.

Then I flipped off with Carey to a five-dollah dinner of noodles on Bleecker and later to a cute garden bar in the East Village, still managing to catch the last Path train before all that travel-to-Hoboken nonsense. Yay me!

And today I'm wearing the green python mules that I bought with Leanne last summer, and tomorrow the new beige ballet flats. Casey, thy name is shoe whore.

But yes. I do in fact have a sty in my eye and no amount of cute shoes can take away the pain. Nice cortizone cream from the doctor can, though, which is why I was able to escape (whee!) from the confines of SD-6 yesterday and skip uptown for two whole hours. Ahhh...almost worth having to wear glasses all week (which routinely get greasy from the ointment, not to mention the annoyance of not being able to wear sunglasses during my hot and sweaty walks to and from public transport). And the fact that oh, I have a big bump on my tear duct. That has to be soaked in warm compresses all the time.

Sigh. I really liked walking around town like a normal person, seeing all the other normal people doing their normal afternoon errands instead of being chained like a veal to the reception desk. I am truly an indecisive penguin.

the night before - the morning after

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