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me as a powerpuff girl

jack is the willage idiot

04.17.02 - 6:53 p.m.

This is why I hate Jack. Definitive proof.

He writes, "Do we have any other ongoing projects that need attention?" when a simple "Got anything for me to do?" would suffice. He writes, "I am now taking into account how many chewed pens are at this desk, Please accept my apology on this, I was unaware I had gone to such extremes," apropos of NOTHING AT ALL.

No one cares! We work in an office where jeans are the uniform, IM is the preferred mode of communication and Ron makes the interns watch Elimidate and Family Feud. Can you take it down a notch? We don't need a treatise!

This is why I hate him. Among many other reasons.

But enough of my bitterness. I am bitter about plenty of things, including but not limited to the broken spring that makes the office door slam, our schizo A/C, and my upcoming living situation, but it's just too tiring to go through it all right now. My sty is shrinking, so I'll be happy about that, and if I had a peanut butter sandwich I would honestly be quite content.

More so if I had a blanket, since I'm on the side of the office that's Antarctica, but I'll live.

the night before - the morning after

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