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me as a powerpuff girl

trying to remain optimistic

04.19.02 - 6:46 p.m.

It started out as a really great day. Woke up, did the yoga, put on a happy orange dress and got a manicure-pedicure. I know I do a relatively decent job on my own, but damn if my nails don't look so much better when I pay someone else. The massages, the not being scrunched overAnd my toes are ten little pink piggies of happiness.

And did anyone else see the Annie Where Are They Now? article in this week's People? I'm telling you, something's happening in the collective unconscious.

Then it all deteriorated. A million people in and out of the office with the door slamming, phones ringing, and a man waiting in reception for an hour who burped, shuffled around and hummed to himself. And no, it was not Ozzy Ozbourne.

I snapped at Dan over IM. I almost broke down in tears at the front desk, which has never happened before. I was a moody bastard. Then it got better for a while and I made a frappuccino in the kitchen - all natural, with ingredients found in the SD-6 kitchen!

Currently, it's Armageddon outside. The windows are shaking, I can see puddles from here on the 26th floor, and basically all the rain the New York region has been waiting for has arrived at once. I would like to state for the record that this is one time I am happy to be staying late, inside where it's warm and dry and where I'll probably get a car to drive me right up to my door.

I have no plans for the weekend. None. I like that. I will wear my contacts for the first time in a week, since my sty is a weeny shell of its former self, and I will go to Whole Foods, but that's the extent of it. Maybe I will go see something of cultural value, maybe not. I am a blank slate and that's just the way I like it.

Oh, and should I be worried that Al Qaeda might steal all my money from my bank account? I'm trying not to be, but just wanted to double check.

the night before - the morning after

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