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me as a powerpuff girl

i'm sorry if i can't keep my life separate from lorelai and rory's

04.22.02 - 7:36 p.m.

Hey - I was right! I finally broke down and looked at the Felicity spoilers, and if I am to believe what others are saying, both Noel and Elena will die at some point during the upcoming episodes. Either I am a genius or the writers' preschool-level foreshadowing finally cracked my thick skull.

That's my big news. We went to a party at Will's house this weekend. Why do I keep calling it a house? It's an apartment, a little fifth-floor slice of building. Errghh. There was a Sol Lewitt drawing on the wall that no one would tell me the story behind, and an exceedingly drunk guy fawning over Jaime that we so wittingly nicknamed Drunk Guy. And Yuengling in a can, which made me think lovingly of That Summer between junior and senior year. I kept pulling tabs off the cans to make fucktabs but was too drunk to get the elusive circle-within-the-ring Super FuckTab.

The next morning we drove down to West 72nd for Krispy Kremes and took them home. I felt ooky all day from strange combinations of alcohol and sugar, but that didn't stop me from conducting microwave experiments to replicate the taste of a fresh Krispy Kreme right off the line.

Now I get to go home. Where I will again pop more Krispy Kremes into the micro cause we just had to buy a dozen, didn't we?

the night before - the morning after

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